Saturday, 18 December 2010

Been working on the Forest of Ghosts and have realised that I can't proceed with a gap at the end of chapter one (it was a gap concerning my hero reading someone's fortune and I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to say, so I left it.) I have gone back and am now filling that in, so my overall word count has gone down, as I removed chapter two until one is done (to make sure it meshes together properly.)
So now the word count looks like this:

I have written 2,937 of 210,000 words.
I am now 1.39% done!

Which is not at all impressive! But at least now the ghosts have been introduced properly and things can go on.

And in case anyone is interested, here is a sketch of the cover for the Rose Prophecies, Book Two of Ellenessia's Curse. It was sketched by the talented Charlotte Thomson, who did the Shadow Seer cover and I think it looks damn fab.

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